Friday 15 June 2018

Russian Girls allowed to have sex with visitors during 2018 worldcup

Russian President Vladimir Putin has rejected the proposal to avoid russian girls from having sex with foreigners and visitors of 2018 world cup.

 Speaking to media in moscow the said that russian girls have all the right to decide what they can do for themselves. So if russian girls wants to have sex with foreignes during the worldcup 2018, they have full freedom and goverment support.
Putin also added saying that russian girls are among the best and beautiful girls in the world and it's common that people around the loves to have sex with russian girls.
But this decision was objected by russian female lawmakers in the parliament on thursday. female lawmakers added that it's against their prestige and that can increase lot of sex disease in the country.
Russian girls are popular all over the globe for their sex beauty to attract male.

Wednesday 13 June 2018

What is Taoism ?

I have been asked many times how to find a Temple, Master or how best to learn Taoism. So I created a short Taoism 101 course on how to discover Taoism.

Here is a different type of guide to learning Taoism, a modernized practical guide to living as a Taoist!. Taoism teaches a person to follow their breath, to embrace wonder and the joy of living gracefully with style.

What is Taoism?

To many people, a confusing aspect of Taoism is its very definition. Many religions will happily teach philosophy and dogma which in reflection defines a person. Taoism flips this around. It starts by teaching a truth; “The Tao” is indefinable. It then follows up by teaching that each person can discover the Tao on their terms. A teaching like this can be very hard to grasp when most people desire very concrete definitions in their own life.
A simple way to start learning the definition of Taoism is to start within yourself. Here are three easy starting steps to learning Taoism:
  1. Don’t concentrate on the meaning of Tao (this will come later naturally)
  2. Understand what Taoism is. Taoism is more than just a “philosophy” or a “religion”. Taoism should be understood as being: A system of belief, attitudes, and practices set towards the service and living to a person’s nature.
  3. The path of understanding Taoism is simply accepting oneself. Live life and discover who you are. Your nature is ever changing and is always the same. Don’t try to resolve the various contradictions in life, instead learn acceptance of your nature.
  4. Practicing Taoism

    Taoism teaches a person to flow with life. Over the years Taoism has become many things to many people. Hundreds of variations in Taoist practice exist. Some of these practices are philosophical, and others are religious. Taoism makes no distinction in applying labels to its nature because to do so would limit a person. We are each a blend of many truths. The truth taught in Taoism is to embrace life in actions that support you as a person.
    Taoism teaches a person to live in their heart.
    Here are some simple starting tips to help a person live as a Taoist.
    • Having a set of basic guidelines can be helpful. However realistically, guidelines don’t determine how to live; instead, Taoism teaches by living you will express your nature. My guidelines are the following:
      • With care, I aid those who are extended expressions of my nature.
      • Be true to me
      • Connect to the world as I want to be treated.
      • Connect to those outside my nature with decisive action.
      • To those unwilling to accept me for my true nature, no action is required:
        Just silently let them be themselves as I remain myself.
      • I own nothing; I am merely a passing custodian of items outside of my nature.
    • Discover a set of practices to aid keeping the mind, body and spirit engaged and strong. Remember practices should support your essence with the activities fitting the needs of the moment. Your life practices will end up being an ever-shifting mix of activities relative to your needs. For example, I practice martial arts to keep my body strong, yoga to make my body subtle, meditation to clear my mind, bike around simply to fly, and poetry as a lens of examination. All these and more are my shifting practices to support my essence, and in doing each, each helps me learn more about myself and the world.
    • Take time, relax and just explore and poke around. Taoism has no plans. Taoism is based on following your gut feelings and trusting your instincts.
    • It’s the pause in a breath… that each step of living becomes visible for your larger life to improve and follow upon. Smile, when needing to pick a possible next step. To smile is to open possibilities. Breathe when needing a break. Since to breathe is to be at one with yourself. Alternate the two, and your path will become free and clear for an entire lifetime of wonder to explore. While simple, you would be surprised how many people cannot embrace this most basic aspect of Taoist practice! People think it cannot be that simple! Taoism indeed is this simple. If you follow and practice step four, not only is that all one needs to embrace Taoism thoroughly, but also anything becomes possible within this simple practice. However, most people need time letting go of expectations. So it’s also ok to dig deeper into Taoism. Taoism has many many levels of teachings on purpose to help people from all perspectives move smoothly in life.
    I can summarize Taoism as simply as
    Taoism is acceptance of your life.
    Taoism is following your breath to find peace.
    Taoism is opening up a smile to enable possibility.
    If you embrace these three ideas, everything else follows in Taoism. Some people do start here. Others take a longer more colorful path. That’s fine also since you get to experience more color in your life. No wrong path exists at the end since it’s about experiencing life.

Practical Taoist Advice

  1. At times the process of learning Taoism is also a process of healing. Take time to heal (don’t rush and hurt yourself more in the rushing). Taoism teaches to embrace your body with patience.
  2. There are over 7 billion people in the world. So there are over 7 billion paths to Taoism! Every person can teach us something.
  3. Sometimes you need quietness; it’s ok to take time off to only hear yourself and not the noise of civilization at times.
  4. People expect and think that the goal of life is perfection, it’s not. Work both at being good at something while also embracing the various little faults in life. Imperfections end up being critical defining characteristics of each of us. The little bits of imperfection we each have are elements of chaos that give each person individuality and distinction! Without our small flaws, we wouldn’t be individuals at all! Taoism teaches us how to accept both the best and worse parts of our life.
  5. Taoism teaches a person to drop expectations. The more expectations you have for your life, the less you will become. A Taoist lives life without expectations, living in the here and now fully. People also need a few expectations as it’s part of navigating their story. Here is a trick. Create only a single expectation at a time for that future experience. For example, an expectation you will smile or have some fun. That’s it! Don’t place any learning or changing into your expectation. If you do, this plants the seed for the opposite to occur, By creating a single simple expectation such as smiling, this then becomes something you can always fulfill since you can empower that action to happen. Any expectation more complicated or relying on something outside of yourself just sets up the future to not meeting your needs. Dropping expectation is very very important within Taoism.
  6. Lather, Rinse and Repeat, and then toss the instructions away to do what is right for yourself. Welcome to Taoism at the very elemental level, so be open, experiment and embrace what works for you. Taoism as a tradition has teachers who work with students on an individual basis. In the end, no guide or Master can be right for everyone. For this reason, we are always our own best teacher. Give yourself credit and patience to be such a teacher to your personal life.

History of Taoism

Most sites will teach you the terms and history of Taoism. That might be nice for academics: but it does nothing for teaching you how to live as a Taoist. Taoism is about embracing life in the now and not in being stuck in history or terms.
Originally Taoism can be considered to be a shamanic practice. However, Taoism is so old; the complete history of Taoism cannot be traced through written records. Taoism is very much a tradition that is transmitted verbally from master to student over the generations. Because of this, some of the shamanic roots of Taoism still survive today. Taoism historically is also a very flexible practice. Taoism is a practice of change, and it always changes to meet the needs of the times. Even as you read this, Taoism is evolving to keep pace with modern culture. Constant evolution is one reason Taoism has survived for so long; it always adapts with the time while holding onto a few key concepts to keep the practice true to the Tao.
An early surviving text to describe the Tao is the Tao Te Ching, written by Lao-Tzu (The old master). The Tao Te Ching is a series of poems that can be considered to be a work of philosophy, a treatise on how to run a government, a how-to book for achieving a balanced life, or a sage’s reflection of humanity and the universe. It is known to have been written over 2400 years ago, but not much else is retained about the origins. Many fun stories abound about these origins; however, these are just that, stories. What is important is that the Tao Te Ching and its poetry survive, having had an impact on the course of human events over the past 2400 years. It’s an interesting book, worth skimming. I say “skim” because it is written in a light-hearted manner. If a reader stares too hard or takes the Tao Te Ching too literally, the multiple intentions within the poetry will be lost.
Many many stories and tales exist about the History of Taoism. Some of these stories could be true, and some could be fables. As a Taoist, the point is to learn from the mixing of our reactions to the tales. Veracity is best left to history; time will always change “truth” for each generation.

Tao and Chinese Culture

Tao is a word. It translates roughly as the way. When as a Taoist we talk about the Tao, we are talking about the central aspect of our practice. However, it’s important to keep in mind, as a word, the word Tao is used for a lot more than just Taoism. Every religion has its way. Every person has their way. Every practice has their way. There is a Tao for everything. This doesn’t directly mean it’s the same Tao as what we speak about in Taoism. While from a Taoist viewpoint it’s all the same, from a human literary perspective it’s not. So it’s important to always take the word Tao within the context of the statement being made.

For instance: a Confucian will use the term Tao to cover how they believe and act. On paper, the Tao of Confucianism is quite a bit different than the Tao of Taoism. A Confucian embraces order while a Taoist will dance to chaos. The Tao that a Confucian teaches is a rigid logical complex system of behavior. The Tao of Taoism is freedom to embrace all the whimsy of life. The same Tao both times: in the using the Tao to refer to a way of life, but the actual results, the teachings practiced are quite a bit different. A path is a path, but not everyone on that path will experience it in the same way.
Of course, to a Taoist, all paths do lead to the same place :). It’s just the journey might seem longer to some than others.
So please keep this in mind if you see the word Tao being used in a slightly different context than what you were expecting.

Wednesday 6 June 2018

Oli’s Beijing trip: Nepal, China to sign agreement for Rasuwagadhi-Kathmandu railway feasibility study

Nepal and China are likely to sign an agreement to carry out a feasibility study for the construction of a railway connecting Nepal’s capital, Kathmandu, with the Nepal-Tiber border point in Rasuwagadhi, near Kyirong.

Nepal’s Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli is scheduled to embark on a state visit to the northern neighbour on June 19 and the agreement will be signed during his visit, according to a source.
It is sure that crossborder railway will be a top agenda during bilateral meetings as Oli has been talking about the project since a long time ago.
However, it has not been certain whether the project will be implemented. Currently, a Chinese technical team is in Kathmandu to conduct a pre-feasibility study for the Kyirong-Kathmandu-Pokhara-Lumbini railway. If the study yields a positive result, the process to prepare the detailed project report will begin.
Now, the two countries will not sign any other agreement about the project except the one for feasibility study as the result of pre-feasibility study has not come out.
“It is speculated that Chinese President Xi Jinping will visit Nepal after Oli’s visit. By then, the report of pre-feasibility study will come out,” a source privy to recent discussions say, “If the report is positive, agreements for the DPR and construction will be made during Xi’s visit.”

Home Minister reiterates Nepal’s commitment to One China Policy

Minister for Home Affairs Ram Bahadur Thapa has reiterated that the Nepal government is commitment to One China Policy.

Receiving Chinese Ambassador to Nepal Yu Hong as she paid a courtesy visit to him at Ministry of Home Affairs in Singha Durbar today, Minister Thapa said that the government would not tolerate any activities against the policy in the country.
Likewise, Thapa commented that the Nepal-China border was being used for smuggling gold and foreign currencies, and further requested support from the Chinese government to control such illegal activities.
In response, the envoy said that she would inform her government about the issue.
Various matters related to bilateral relation and mutual interest were discussed in the meeting.
Meanwhile, the Chinese envoy also showed positive response towards the official visit of Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli to the northern neighbour.
The Prime Minister will be embarking on a five-day state visit to China from June 19.

Sri Lanka food Feastival in Nepal

Most five-star hotels in Kathmandu love to experiment with food by hosting numerous food festivals. Over the past year, hotels have hosted Chinese food festival, Hyderabadi food festival, Thai food festival and so on and to continue the trend, Hotel Yak & Yeti in association with the Sri Lankan embassy is host food festival at the Sunrise Restaurant until June 2.

As I had no idea about Sri Lankan food, I couldn’t help but go try some. But that said, I was a bit sceptical if the food would actually be Sri Lankan. And my doubts disappeared when I met chef Publis who comes all the way from Sri Lanka especially for this food festival.
Chef Publis Silva, 82, has a PhD and has been involved in the food industry for the last 65 years. He also has two Guinness book records – one for the smallest cookbook and the other for cooking kheer (rice pudding) with 1020 kg rice.
Chef Publis and executive chef Sagar tell me about Sri Lankan food and how it is different from South Indian cuisine. Sri Lankan food is a combination of flavours which is different to Nepal and India. As Sri Lanka are surrounded by sea, most of the items in the buffet could be categorised as seafood cooked using coconut, tamarind, mustard and curry leaves. Sri Lankan food has its unique blend of spices and is ideal for everyone as it is not too spicy.
Chef Sagar tells me that the food is similar to that eaten in Kerala and Tamil Nadu but the spices used in Sri Lankan food is different from that used in Indian food. Indian food is spicy, but Sri Lankan cuisines are milder.
Sri Lankans don’t use artificial colours or flavours while preparing food and they also don’t use animal fat or milk.

Hotel Yak & Yeti regularly hosts these festivals in order to promote world cuisine and give their patrons a different taste every few months. As the restaurant changes its menu every day, chef Sagar and chef Publis head out to the market every morning and get ingredients available in Nepal to prepare Sri Lankan food.
In total, there are 12 hot dishes out of which 3-4 are rich dishes. Apart from that they also have five different salads, a soup and 12 different varieties of dessert.
After an informative conversation with the chefs, I indulge in the meal.
To start with, I went for the coriander soup. It was my first time tasting it. I must say it was quite a pleasant surprise as the soup tasted really good and was full of flavours.
I am not a huge fan of salads so I directly went for the main course which had 12 different items.
I tired some red rice along with the baked crab as recommended by chef Publis. The rice was a bit odd for my liking but the baked crab was lovely. It had a strong taste and was creamy and had its own distinct flavour. That they bring live crabs all the way from Chennai makes the dish even better.
With it I also tried the prawn devilled–the only spicy dish on the menu. The dish was a glamorous and flavoursome addition to a spread as it added a special touch with its lively taste and appearance.
Another interesting item I tried was the kotu roti. These are rotis (flatbread) chopped and cooked the way Nepalis cook fried rice. It tasted quite nice and was a tasty mixture of salty pieces of fried dough, lightly spiced which was extremely fulfilling.
Along with that, I also tried the hoppers. They looked like dosa but were different in taste and texture. The batter, I was told, is made from a slightly fermented concoction of rice flour, coconut milk, coconut water and a hint of sugar. The hoppers perfectly complimented the curries on the buffet.
After a fulfilling and hearty main course, it was time to indulge in the dessert. For a sweet tooth, I couldn’t stop but help myself to all the available sweets. The tiramisu was quite nice and tasty but what I liked the most was the coconut pancake and the wood apple pudding which were both unique and appetising.
All in all, the whole meal was extremely satisfying. It wasn’t just me who was enjoying the meal, the Sunrise Restaurant was full of people–both local and foreigners–who were looking happy with the spread. The best part is that the chefs are on the floor and visit each table to ask the patrons what they think about the food.

Tuesday 5 June 2018

Sane misses out, Neuer makes Germany World Cup squad

Attacking midfielder Leroy Sane was a surprise omission from Joachim Loew’s final Germany squad for the World Cup finals on Monday as goalkeeper Manuel Neuer was named among the 23 players heading to Russia for the defending champions.

Neuer made the squad despite playing in just one official game, a friendly against Austria on Friday, since breaking a bone in his foot in September but talented 22-year-old Sane was the highest-profile player excluded.
The Manchester City midfielder, goalkeeper Bernd Leno, forward Nils Petersen and defender Jonathan Tah were the four players that failed to make the cut from Loew’s provisional list.
Sane, who joined the English champions in 2016, had been a surprise addition to Germany’s Euro 2016 squad two years ago but this time he was overlooked by Loew, who opted to take the more physical Julian Brandt to Russia instead.
“It was a very tight decision between him and Julian Brandt which went in favour of Brandt,” Loew said. “There are better days in the life of a national team coach, when you have to send four amazing players, who deserve to be at the World Cup, home.
“It’s like being at the airport check-in counter en route to Moscow and you are not allowed to board the plane.”
Germany captain Neuer, who won the World Cup four years ago, will also be their first choice keeper for the tournament, ahead of designated number two Marc-Andre ter Stegen and Kevin Trapp.
“The clinical tests were really good,” Neuer told reporters.
“I always had the goal in front of me. I stayed positive through the injury and had I not been positive I would not have been included.
“I feel good and now my focus is on the World Cup.”
Loew announced his squad at the end of a training camp at the Italian Alps. The Germans play their last warm-up game against Saudi Arabia in Leverkusen on Friday before the start of the tournament on June 14.
Germany are in Group F along with Sweden, Mexico and South Korea.
Goalkeepers: Manuel Neuer (Bayern Munich), Marc-Andre ter Stegen (Barcelona), Kevin Trapp (Paris St Germain).
Defenders: Jerome Boateng (Bayern Munich), Matthias Ginter (Borussia Moenchengladbach), Jonas Hector (Cologne), Mats Hummels (Bayern Munich), Joshua Kimmich (Bayern Munich), Marvin Plattenhardt (Hertha Berlin), Antonio Ruediger (Chelsea), Niklas Suele (Bayern Munich).
Midfielders: Julian Brandt (Bayer Leverkusen), Julian Draxler (Paris St Germain), Leon Goretzka (Schalke 04), Ilkay Gundogan (Manchester City), Sami Khedira (Juventus), Toni Kroos (Real Madrid), Thomas Mueller (Bayern Munich), Marco Reus (Borussia Dortmund), Sebastian Rudy (Bayern Munich), Mesut Ozil (Arsenal).
Mario Gomez (VfB Stuttgart), Timo Werner (RB Leipzig).

Miss America dropping swimsuit competition

The Miss America Organization is dropping the swimsuit competition from its nationally televised broadcast, saying it will no longer judge contestants on their appearance.

The competition began nearly 100 years ago in Atlantic City, New Jersey as a bathing beauty contest designed to keep tourists coming to the seaside resort in the weekend after Labor Day.
But it has run into resistance to the swimsuit, and to a lesser extent, evening gown competitions, that had come by some to be seen as outdated. An email scandal last December in which former Miss America officials denigrated the intelligence, appearance and sex lives of former title winners led to a shake-up at the top, and the group’s top three leadership positions are now held by women.
Gretchen Carlson, a former Miss America who is head of the organization’s board of trustees, made the announcement Tuesday on “Good Morning America.”
“We’re not going to judge you on your appearance because we are interested in what makes you you,” she said.
Carlson, whose sexual harassment lawsuit against Fox News Chairman Roger Ailes led to his departure, said the board has heard from potential contestants saying, “We don’t want to be out there in high heels and swimsuits.”
“Guess what?” she said. “You don’t have to anymore.”
Asked if she is worried the show’s television ratings might suffer because of the elimination of swimsuits, Carlson said she is not, adding that the swimsuit portion is not the highest rated section of the broadcast. Viewers seem to be more interested in the talent competition, she said.
She also said the group will make changes to the evening wear portion of the competition, adding it will not judge women on their chosen attire.
“It’s what comes out of their mouths that we care about,” she said.
The changes will start with this year’s broadcast on Sept. 9.
Carlson said the Miss America Organization will emphasize its role as a scholarship provider.

About 48 migrants dead after boat sinks off at Tunisian coast

About 48 migrants found were dead when their boat sank off Tunisia’s coast and 67 others were rescued by the coast guard, officials said on Sunday, one of the worst migrant boat accidents in recent years, according to Reuters.
The boat went down near the southern island of Kerkenna, a tourist spot, in the night to Sunday, the defence ministry said in a statement. The victims were Tunisians and other nationalities, it said, without giving details.
The rescue operation was suspended late on Sunday but will resume on Monday morning, officials said.
Human traffickers increasingly use Tunisia as a launch pad for migrants heading to Europe as Libya’s coast guard, aided by armed groups, has tightened controls.
Security officials said the boat was packed with about 180 migrants, including 80 from other African countries.
A survivor said the captain had abandoned the boat after it started sinking to escape arrest by the coast guard.
“I survived by clinging to wood for nine hours,” he said at a hospital in the southern city of Sfax where dozens of people gathered to look for survivors and identify dead relatives.
Unemployed Tunisians and other Africans often try to depart in makeshift boats from Tunisia to Sicily in Italy.
The North African country is in the middle of a deep economic crisis since the toppling of autocrat Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali in 2011 threw Tunisia into turmoil with unemployment and inflation shooting up.
Separately, nine people including six children died on Sunday after a speedboat carrying 15 refugees sank off the coast of Turkey’s southern province of Antalya, the Turkish coast guard said in a statement.
Reducing the flow of migrants into Italy is one of the aims of the anti-immigrant League party in Italy and its leader Matteo Salvini who was sworn in as the country’s new interior minister on Friday.
Salvini and his party have promised to block the arrival of boat migrants from Africa and to deport up to 100,000 illegal immigrants per year.
“The objective is to save lives. And this is done by preventing the departures of the boats of death that are a business for some and a disgrace for the rest of the world,” Salvini said in a statement, commenting on both the incidents.

Nepal, China to ink energy coordination deal later this month

Nepal and China are likely to sign an agreement on energy coordination later this month when Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli will pay a state visit to the northern neighbour.

Likewise, the Nepal Government is also preparing to sign another agreement to prepare the detailed project report for Galchhi-Kyirong-Rasuwagadhi intercountry transmission line.
The Ministry of Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation has sent the proposal to the Council of Ministers about making the agreements.
Separate committees will be formed after the agreements at secretarial and joint secretarial levels that will help in facilitating the investment.
Former Foreign Affairs Minister Krishna Bahadur Mahara had made the preliminary agreement on energy coordination in 2017.
“Prime Minister Oli will finalise the agreement and give it a full shape during his China visit on June 19,” informed Joint Secretary at the Ministry, Dinesh Ghimire.
The agreement will be reached after getting the green signal from the Cabinet.
The executive head of the country had taken the step to construct the transmission line during his tenure earlier. The feasibility study about making the 400-kv transmission line has completed.
Meanwhile, the government has also sent a list of projects asking the Chinese government to incorporate them in One Belt One Road project.
The Ministry of Energy has proposed the Chinese government to include seven water projects including Kimathangka Arun, Tamor, Sunkoshi 2 and 3, Nalagad, Phukot Karnali and Naumore.

Sunday 3 June 2018

Bids for Lumbini Airport navigation services likely this month

The Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal (Caan) is set to launch the second package of the Gautam Buddha International Airport Project in Bhairahawa by June, after better-than-expected progress of the ongoing civil works.

The second package involves installation of Communications, Navigation and Surveillance (ANS) and Air Traffic Management (ATM) systems. “We have forwarded the documents to the headquarters [Caan] for inviting bids for the second package. The concerned departments are reviewing it,” said Om Sharma, chief of the airport project.
“We expect the tender will be called by June,” he said, adding that the bidding process would take four months. “Infrastructure required to install navigational aids will be completed by September.”
As of June 2, the airport project has achieved 42 percent of physical progress, according to Sharma. The airport in Bhairahawa—the gateway to Lumbini—is being expanded to an international airport. Caan is planning to install instrument landing system (ILS), which allows approaches and landings in poor weather conditions. There are different standards of ILS, including CAT I, CAT II and CAT III.
“We have been assessing the cost of installing CAT II. The decision has not been made yet,” said Caan Director General Sanjiv Gautam. “However, we will have to opt for CAT I for now if CAT II is too expensive, with an option of upgradation in the near future.” Aircraft can land at the airport at the visibility of 550 metres under the CAT I system, while CAT II enables aircraft to land at the minimum visibility of 350 metres.

Caan is planning to start the commercial operations of the airport by July 2019. “The base of 3,000-metre-long and 45-metre-wide runway will be prepared by July-end. And  it will be blacktopped by September.”
Caan awarded the Rs6.22-billion Gautam Buddha Airport upgradation contract to China’s Northwest Civil Aviation Airport Construction Group in November 2013. The airport was initially slated to be ready in December 2017.
However, shortages of fuel and building materials due to the months-long Tarai banda in 2015 delayed the upgradation works by six months, and its operation deadline was revised to June 2018.
Subsequently, a dispute over payments between the Chinese contractor and the Nepali sub-contractor—Northwest Infra Nepal—stalled works at the construction site for more than six months. As a result, the project deadline was extended many times. The last deadline given by the project financer Asian Development Bank (ADB) to the Chinese contractor is June 2019.

he national pride project has been envisaged to serve the fast-rising business and industrial hub of Bhairahawa and facilitate international pilgrims to Lumbini, the birthplace of Lord Buddha. After the first phase of upgradation, the airport’s handling capacity will be increased to 600,000 passengers annually. Lumbini is 22km from Gautam Buddha International Airport at Bhairahawa.

Saturday 2 June 2018

Donald Trump & Kim Jong-un to meet at Singapore summit on June 12

After what seemed like an endless back-and-forth, a highly-anticipated summit between US President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un in Singapore on June 12 is officially on - again.
Trump announced on Friday after welcoming Kim Jong-un's right-hand man, Kim Yong-chol, to the White House to talk about Washington's demands of de-nuclearisation in the Korean peninsula.
"The process will begin on June 12 in Singapore," he told White House reporters.
Donald Trump: US-North Korea summit back on for June 12
But he conceded that Kim Jong-un "wants to be careful" with his decision, and that "he is not going to run and do things" as demanded by the US government.  
"I told them, take your time. We can go fast, we can go slow."
Trump's made-for-television announcement on Friday was the latest twist in the trans-Pacific political and diplomatic drama that at times unfolded in real time, and has been closely-followed on social media.
Disputes between Washington and Pyongyang led Trump to cancel the June 12 meeting on May 24- only to see a flurry of diplomatic efforts surrounding the proposed summit in recent days.
On that same day, North Korea had announced that it had "demolished" its nuclear facility at punggeye - ei.
A number of diplomatic events ensued, including a surprise second meeting between South Korean President Moon Jae-in and Kim at the North Korean side of the border village of Panmunjom on May 26.

Friday 1 June 2018

Indian aviation officials visiting Nepal to discuss new additional air routes

A group of Indian aviation officials is coming to Kathmandu in June so as to discuss possibilities of opening new air routes to and from Nepal.
Currently, all international flights entering Nepal, except those coming from China and Bhutan, come to Kathmandu via Simara. Nepal has been demanding that India open more of such points including those near Nepalgunj, Dhangadhi, Bhairahawa, Janakpur and Biratnagar.
Joint Secretary at the Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation Buddhi Sagar Lamichhane says the delegation of Airport Authority of India is coming to Kathmandu within next four weeks to discuss the issue.
India has been dismissing Nepal’s request to open more routes. Therefore, earlier discussions held in 2010 and 2016 had turned fruitless.
Though it is not sure whether India will allow the flights, the Nepal government has already announced to upgrade airports in Biratnagar, Janakpur, Nepalgunj and Dhangadhi to the regional level and operate regional flights from those places.

7 Best Places to Visit in Asia

Do you have any plans to visit Asia ? There’s a lot that you can enjoy in Asia like sights, food, hotels, spas, legendary service, and night markets. Asia is one of the most reasonable tourism destinations in the world, especially if you intend to travel with your friends and family.
There’s a lot of god and exciting activities that you can do when you travel Asia. These experiences are also more memorable if you travel to Asia with your family or friends. In Asian destinations you can enjoy activities such as zip lining, cooking classes, rice planting, horse-cart riding, etc.
Most tourists who visit Asia tend to bring their older kids with them because Asia is a fantastic place for family travel. Once you realized how easy it is to travel Asia with your kids you’ll keep on going there as many times as you can.
Discussed below are some of the most interesting locations that you should tour if you are in Asia.

1. Hong Kong

Hong Kong is a myriad of Asian cultured chinese city. Tourists get a perfect blend between the exotic and familiar experiences. If you want to visit a location that is modern and exciting, then you should visit Hong Kong. It is so simple to plan an itinerary and travel there. There’s so much travel information available on the internet and this destination is very popular, especially with first-time international travelers.

2. Thailand

Thailand is the best place to go if you desire to tour a destination that is heavily influenced by Western culture. The exotic appeal of Thailand is irresistible, especially if you are travelling there alone and for the first time. It is also the ideal destination for traveller under a budget. It’s quite easy to travel cheaply around Thailand. Once you get there, you’ll enjoy the sights as well as the food. Once you land on Thailand, you can't miss out the night life of the city, which is popular all over Asia. 

3. Cambodia

Cambodia is the place to visit if you’re the kind of tourists who enjoys exploring ancient temple ruins. This is the place to be if you want to explore Asia’s grandest archaeological sites. . Furthermore, the, locals in Cambodia are very friendly and they also know how to speak good English.

4. Nepal

Nepal is a tourist destination of it’s own, there’s no other place on earth like nepal which has its own unique beauty. When you visit Nepal, you’ll get the chance to see some of the world’s most outstanding architecture and vibrant mix of cultures. Touring this remarkable country will offer you with a unique experience. World highest peak Mount Everest followed by a range of himalayas stands on the northern part of the country.

5. Vietnam

Did you know that 1 US Dollar is about 22,000+ Vietnamese Dong. Your money will go a long way in Vietnam. It’s actually easy to be a millionaire in Vietnam, all you need is just USD 50. As a tourist, you’ll be able to buy so many things in this beautiful country. Furthermore, this is the best place to go if you want to traverse the Indochina trail.

6. Singapore

Singapore is the coolest destination to travel in Asia. It also the most proffered destination, by novice travellers as it has been a transit point for travellers around the globe. In Singapore you can experience its modern city-state that is more explorable when compared to other destinations in Southeast Asia. You’ll also be able to enjoy urban comforts if you want to. You’ll have a tough time touring the Singapore once your kids see this paradise.

7. Malaysia

This gorgeous country lies between heart of south-east Asia. It’s one of the easiest destinations to tour and it’s also the best place to go for an adventure. It’s ideal to visit Malaysia with family or friend to make the experience more memorable. the hospitality and food are amazing of this country.